Not All Self Storage Products Are The Same.

When setting up a new self storage business or refurbishing an existing site, your choice of steel product is one of the most important decisions. Here are some key factors to bear in mind:

1. Steel specification.

Wise purchasing can prevent future maintenance issues and other problems. However, making that purchasing decision can be challenging as there is a wide range of different types of steel in the marketplace. Many operators think they are being thrifty when they buy the cheapest possible steel, without regard to quality or value, but this can have very negative consequences for their business.

It is crucial to opt for the best possible product quality and durability, so be sure to check your supplier’s steel specification.

2. Maintenance and warranties.

Self storage doors, partitions, and hallway panels made from high-quality steel ensure durability and low maintenance. Utilising the highest quality steel products available will keep your facility looking good for years, running costs low and tenants happy. If you opt for an inferior product, maintenance and other problems are likely to cost more money in the long run.

We are so confident in the quality of our steel products that we offer a 20-year warranty.

3. Long-term value and sustainability.

Using second-rate, lower-quality steel products that for example might rust, could not only have a very negative impact on your site’s look and maintenance, but can be very costly when selling your business. Conversely, a top-rate steel product will be recognised in the valuation process and can help ensure a profitable exit. In addition, green building criteria are of utmost importance these days, and it is advisable to opt for sustainable steel products.   

At Janus Europe, we can evidence the ESG credentials of our products and entire supply chain.


To find out more about the Janus International range of self storage and access control solutions, please get in touch on: or +44 (0) 20 8744 9444.

Noke Operational Efficiency Webinar

Improving Operational Efficiency

A webinar shed light on how these technologies are driving operational efficiency and reshaping customer experience. Learn from the experts on how access control technology is setting a new standard in the industry.

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